Dynamic Benchmarking is proud to announce the launch of the DB Hive, a place where our customers can come together to share ideas and resources for improving the performance of their benchmarking studies. The DB Hive was developed based on feedback from our customers who were looking for ways to connect with others who use the Dynamic Benchmarking platform to enhance member engagement and collect industry data.
“We want to provide a means to bring our customers together to share both the challenges and successes they’ve had developing and maintaining their benchmarking studies” says Sally Greene, Dynamic Benchmarking Project Manager. “By sharing their stories and strategies, it is our hope that they can learn from each other.”
A series of webinars and roundtable discussions, the first DB Hive webinar was held on March 8th and featured three of our customers speaking about their experiences with the DB platform.
Stay tuned for future announcements about the next webinar in the series and be sure to reach out to us if you’d like to see a recording of the inaugural webinar.