Spring has finally sprung in New England, and the DB team is ushering it in by welcoming new clients and launching benchmarking platforms. Read on to find out what's going on behind the scenes in the world of association benchmarking.
Our product management team has been very busy with new and recurring study launches over the last month. The American Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE) released a new year of results for their Salary Survey for Membership, which originally released in 2014. The Southern Association of College & University Business Officers (SACUBO), working with Cherry Bekaert, also launched the results of their compensation and benefits benchmarking survey, having received very good participation in comparsion to past studies. Forging Industry Association (FIA) is preparing to launch their third benchmarking survey with Dynamic Benchmarking, which studies Sales & Operations for their membership.
Project Manager Sally Greene traveled to visit the American Public Gardens Association (APGA) last month to help launch their new project. The APGA chose Dynamic Benchmarking to build a financial and operational study for its membership that combines multiple surveys conducted in the past under one platform for better data collection and user engagement. Watch for announcement of their new survey platform launch in coming months.
We are happy to welcome GMIS International to the Dynamic Benchmarking family of clients. As the largest professional association of worldwide government IT leaders, we know that their upcoming financial and operational benchmarking study will be a valuable contribution to both their members and the industry.
The GMIS project is one of our latest projects working with an AMC partner, in this case CMP Management. We enjoyed meeting with CMP Management's President Carolyn Price at the AMCI Annual Meeting in Florida this year and look forward to working with Carolyn and her team to provide GMIS with a groundbreaking study for their membership.