Read on for more about what's happening here at Dynamic Benchmarking...
Last month the Center for Women's Business Advancement at Southern NH University interviewed Betsy Delfosse, Jane Higgins and Lisa Vivnetto for their Featured Member video series. Their interview included an introduction where the co-founders were asked to explain how they got to where they are today.
Another part of the interview includes a clip where the co-founders discuss their experience with gender bias as a woman-owned technology business.
You can see the entire video series on the Center for Women's Business Advancement YouTube Channel.
We are proud to announce the launches of two new survey platform results this month...
The Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) launched the results of their latest 2014 Benchmarking for Education in Healthcare Survey. AUPHA has been working with us since 2012 on both this Financial & Operational Survey as well as their Compensation & Benefits Survey. Congratulations to the team at AUPHA on another successful survey!
AICPA's 2014 National MAP Survey also released their results reports recently, providing both comprehensive reports as well as regional and firm size-based data. This study marks one of the most significant efforts of the DB team, as this is one of the largest pool of study participants among our clients. Congratulations to the AICPA on their first MAP Survey on the Dynamic Benchmarking platform.
We are happy to welcome two new associations to the family of Dynamic Benchmarking Clients: Ambulatory Surgery Center Association and Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International