Association Benchmarking News

The Pulse of DB - August 2015

Written by News | Aug 18, 2015 1:00:00 PM

August brought sun, fun... and travel for the DB team. Find out about our summer travels, and what's been going on behind the scenes for our clients.



Once again, our team enjoyed meeting many old friends at this year's ASAE Annual Meeting in Detroit. (After 6 years, attending ASAE Annual starts to feel like going home!) In addition to seeing several of the clients that we have been working with for years, we also met with many new organizations interested in what research and data visualization through online benchmarking can bring to their members and causes.

Our most inspiring moments came from the many educational sessions offered that touched on topics from Association Management Companies (AMCs) and their needs to thinking like a Futurist. Watch our blog for updates on the inspiration we found at ASAE and how it can apply to your projects.   


While our executives and sales team were busy in Detroit, our project managers and development group had their hands full with new clients and platform releases. 

Congratulations to the AICPA on the release of their new Journal of Accountancy Tech Success Tracker benchmarking study. The Tech Success Tracker aims to provide accountants with a more complete picture of the role technology plays in their organization/firm, the value (return on investment) that IT can provide to the organization/firm, and considerations for maximizing the realization of value from IT-related projects. We enjoyed working with the AICPA once again, this time helping them to help their members identify the critical success factors for technology deployment and adoption in their firms.

We were also happy to work with the Ambulatory Surgery Association (ASCA) to release the results of their 2015 Salary & Benefits Survey. ASCA’s 2015 Salary and Benefits Survey collects national, regional and state data on 20 ASC positions and is an important tool for ASCs to use to attract and retain the best employees. We know it will be a valuable offering to their members and the industry.


Welcome to the Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) and Pennsylvania Medical Society (PAMED) to the Dynamic Benchmarking family of clients! Look for information about their new benchmarking studies coming soon.