Summer comes to a close as Dynamic Benchmarking gives back to the community; looks ahead to exciting Winter events; and celebrates the launch of a new study for a unique customer.
Dynamic Benchmarking to Attend New England Society of Association Executives 2015 Technology Conference
Our Chief Marketing Officer, Lisa Vivinetto, will be attending the New England Society of Association Executives (NESAE) 2015 Technology Conference on November 5th at the Beechwood Hotel in Worcester, MA. Lisa is a member of the NESAE Conference Committee and is excited to see how the event is received and looks forward to connecting with attendees.
Dynamic Benchmarking Gives Back
Our team had a great time revisiting the home we worked on last year with Habitat for Humanity. It was both rewarding and heartwarming to work on the finishing touches that will soon make a new home for two local families.
Team photo for Habitant for Humanity
from left, top row: Jane, Jeff, Michelle & Lisa
from left, bottom row: Sally, Betsy & Holly
Launches Benchmarking Platform for Energy Customers
Congratulations to DNV GL on the launch of their customer benchmarking study. An upgraded version of a long-standing study, the new interactive, customizable platform will collect, analyze and report on key data points for Residential Electric, Residential Gas, Commercial Electrical and Commercial Gas companies.